Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf

Don’t believe your lyin eyes! WH says the video’s of Joe’s public malfunctions are ‘cheap fakes’: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/06/17/cheap-fakes-white-house-claims-videos-of-joe-bidens-public-malfunctions-are-fabricated/ 
Even Piers Morgan says Biden malfunctions indicate unfit for office: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/piers-morgan-asserts-obama-biden-arm-grab-incident/ 
Dems ‘Trump convicted felon’ message not working as Trump takes lead over Biden in PA: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/poll-trump-takes-lead-biden-vital-swing-state/ 
Raising your cost of living? OR proposed ballot measure raises corp tax and gives $750 basic income to all Oregonians: https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2024/06/proposed-ballot-measure-proposal-to-raise-corporate-taxes-give-every-oregonian-750-a-year-likely-to-make-november-ballot.html?outputType=amp 
The bottom 20% do almost no work and the rest of us pay for them: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/bottom-20-do-almost-no-work-you-pay/ 
Sign school choice petitions now!! https://letthemlearnoregon.com/ 
GA voter lawsuits: 20,000 ballots counted from tabulators that don’t exist: https://revolver.news/2024/06/liz-harrington-20000-unsubstantiated-ballots-in-gas-2020-original-results-from-tabulators-that-do-not-exist/ 
Biden announces illegal alien amnesty: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/biden-announces-protection-against-deportation-for-some-illegal-immigrants-5670529?ea_src=frontpage&ea_med=top-news-top-stories-0-title-0 

What is Political Coffee with Jeff Kropf?

A Long-time radio host with his own show as well as backing up as host for nationally syndicated broadcasts, Jeff is a fifth generation Oregon farmer, aviator, professional musician, former State Legislator, lobbyist, real estate developer, small business owner, firefighter, and served as an embedded broadcaster with Oregon National Guard in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Jeff is a former Oregon State Representative and fifth generation Oregon farmer from Sublimity, Oregon. Kropf served as Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee for two legislative sessions and served two sessions on the Transportation and Ways and Means subcommittees.

He also leads the state chapter of Americans for Prosperity.