The MindMeld Podcast with Dave Perry

Happy International Women’s Day! Dave sits down with two of the loveliest ladies around to answer all of life’s most important questions.

Show Notes

Happy International Women’s Day! Dave sits down with two of the loveliest ladies around to answer all of life’s most important questions:
What’s south of NOLA?
Why is Sex and the City so great / awful? 
Do rabbits make good pets?
Just how topless is Snake & Jake's Christmas Lounge?
What makes mezcal so tasty?
Can you get free drinks when you get stabbed?
Find out the answer to these and so much more on this episode of The MindMeld Podcast with Dave Perry. Thank you for listening!

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What is The MindMeld Podcast with Dave Perry?

Dave Perry sits down with some of Austin's finest weirdos to answer most of life's dumbest questions.