Money School with Mark Butler

The goal of Money School is to help you feel better about your finances. The negative emotions you feel about money might be coming from other people's beliefs or 'conventional wisdom' about money that's so common we treat it as fact. Money School class #1 was all about identifying and challenging ideas like "need vs want," "afford vs can't afford," "abundance vs scarcity," and "debt is evil."

In this live session I invited three different people to join me on the call to work through their struggles with these topics. This is the first in a six-part series.

What is Money School with Mark Butler?

Money School helps you feel better about your finances. I'm Mark Butler, and since 2014 I've been the money guy for six- and seven-figure earning life coaches like Brooke Castillo and Jody Moore. What I've learned is that the average person's money struggles are more mental and emotional than technical. I've created Money School to help you figure out your own thoughts and feelings about money so you can confidently earn, spend, save and give.