Ex-Psychic Saved: Exposing Divination, New Age, and the Occult

Ex-psychic Jenn Nizza and special guest Doreen Virtue discuss the highly contentious topic regarding yoga, Christian yoga, and whether it's possible to separate the spiritual aspects of yoga from the exercise.

As a former yoga fan of 20 years, Virtue explains the meaning of yoga terms and positions, its Hindu origins, and demonic roots. They answer common questions and criticism that comes from Christians and non-Christians alike.

"You can't Christianize something that's pagan. You can't put the word Christian in front of yoga... You are binding yourself to a false god-- a demon when you do yoga. It is blasphemous to our Lord. Jesus suffered for our sin. Why would we engage in a sin that He died for?"


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What is Ex-Psychic Saved: Exposing Divination, New Age, and the Occult?

Jennifer Nizza knows what it means to discern — and confront — evil. Once trapped on the hampster wheel of the New Age for 25 years, she was radically saved out of the occult and bondage by Jesus Christ. Nizza was a psychic medium and a teacher of the occult, and, as a result, was demonically oppressed. She taught topics such as: the law of attraction, past life regression, automatic writing, tarot, and mediumship. Despite being deeply rooted in the occult, at the age of 36, she cried out to Jesus for the first time and became a Christian. Suddenly, the darkness she was embroiled in was illuminated. She quit her job as a psychic, picked up her cross to follow Jesus — and hasn't looked back. Nizza, author of the books "From Psychic to Saved" and "Out of the New Age and Into the Truth," is now exposing the New Age, occultism, and paranormal deceptions through "The Ex-Psychic Saved Podcast." This podcast is dedicated to warning all about the dangers of the occult. She will talk about many New Age topics, expose where psychics get their information, interact with compelling guests, and much more!