The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life

Valentina Brega is the founder of Hire Train VA, which helps busy entrepreneurs reclaim their time by hiring world-class support staff.

In this episode, Valentina shares her story of immigrating to the U.S. from the poorest country in Europe, and – with just $400, a 1-year-old daughter and no car – building a skill set while working remotely and eventually launching her own company.

She also delivers a mini-masterclass on how to hire a rockstar virtual assistant and begin to delegate your lower dollar-per-hour tasks.

- Valentina's journey to the U.S. and how she made ends meet 
- Getting started as a remote assistant to real estate investor Bill Allen
- Negotiating with homeowners on cold calls
- How she built a team of virtual assistants
- Examples of tasks you should hand over to an assistant
- Which countries she's found to be the best sources of talent
- Why hiring a remote assistant will turn you into a better leader
- Writing a job posting that attracts A-players
- Using personality tests, mini-projects and role playing when hiring
- Why "visibility beats ability every time"

Valentina's Charitable Cause: 
Operation Underground Railroad, which fights child sexual exploitation and human trafficking worldwide.

Books Mentioned:
- 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall
- Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson
- Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
- Traction by Gino Wickman
- $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi

Connect with Valentina:
100 Tasks to Delegate to a Virtual Assistant:

What is The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life?

Uncover the secrets to living a BetterLife with us - investors and friends, Brandon Turner & Cam Cathcart. Join our conversations about real estate investing, wealth building, and lifestyle design with industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs. Join us as we explore the habits, actions, and beliefs that will lead you to your BetterLife without losing your soul.