No Rules To Live By

Bri and Jamie discuss the power of affirmations and the importance of self-worth in attracting positive experiences and relationships. Jamie shares her journey of discovering spirituality and affirmations, and how they have transformed her life. They also explore the concept of being a high-value woman in dating and setting standards for oneself. The conversation emphasizes the belief that life is always working in one's favor and the importance of enjoying one's own company before entering into a relationship. In this conversation, Jamie and Bri discuss the importance of listening to oneself and living in truth. They emphasize the need to believe in one's worth and not settle for less in relationships. Jamie shares her approach to dating, which involves creating a positive narrative about herself and expecting to be treated well. They also discuss the importance of reciprocity and authenticity in relationships, as well as the value of dating multiple people to find the right match. The conversation concludes with advice for those looking for a high-value partnership.

  • Affirmations can be a powerful tool in transforming one's mindset and attracting positive experiences.
  • Self-worth is crucial in believing and manifesting what one desires.
  • Enjoying one's own company and being confident in oneself is essential before entering into a relationship.
  • Setting standards and boundaries is important in dating and attracting the right partner.
  • Believing that life is always working in one's favor can lead to a more positive and fulfilling experience. Listen to yourself and live in your truth.
  • Believe in your worth and do not settle for less in relationships.
  • Create a positive narrative about yourself and expect to be treated well.
  • Reciprocity and authenticity are important in relationships.
  • Consider dating multiple people to find the right match.
  • Value yourself and treat yourself well to attract partners who will do the same.

What is No Rules To Live By?

Brianna and Alicia weighing all the rules we adopt and shed. Focused on wellness, culture, and cultivating joy. Sharing stories to build connection to the collective.