Woodside Bible Church White Lake

Woodside Bible Church White Lake Trailer Bonus Episode 191 Season 1

Reach: Where There is No Church - Part 2 - Pastor Rob Bentz

Reach: Where There is No Church - Part 2 - Pastor Rob BentzReach: Where There is No Church - Part 2 - Pastor Rob Bentz

As we conclude our brief, Reach Where There Is No Church, sermon series, we look at Romans 15 where the Apostle Paul shares his heart about bringing the Gospel to the world. As part of the body of Christ, we share in Paul's mission. All believers are called to reach until all have heard. Listen as Pastor Rob Bentz challenges us on how we can do this in our latest sermon, Until All Have Heard.
(Ministry Partners Bruce & Greta Valleskey also share their personal experiences on mission.)

What is Woodside Bible Church White Lake?

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