Weebs & Gamers Anonymous

This weeks topic we speak upon consoles and our reasonings to why we would each prefer one over the other. Note no one is right because it all depends on the persons preference but hey it made a fun episode to talk about.

Show Notes

Welcome to episode 2 of Weebs and Gamers Anonymous where we speak about console wars. We each touch base on a different type of console to give our reasonings as to why its better but lets be very honest it all really comes down to preference of the person using the console. This still nonetheless made for a very fun and entertaining episode. As for this episode we begin by introducing the topic and soon right after we get into asking a video game recommendation for the week from everyone on the podcast. After that we pick our consoles and discuss it amongst ourselves. As for the people on this episode we have Norlan, Richard, Zach who is a new voice on here, and myself. I hope you will enjoy this episode and feel free to let us know what you think on our social media accounts.

Social Media:
IG: Wagapodcast
Twitter: Wagapodcasts

What is Weebs & Gamers Anonymous ?

We love to share our views and opinions on anime and video games and if that peaks your interest feel free to tune in and enjoy. We mainly love to just have a good time filled with good vibes. Feel free to listen and share a couple of laughs with us to see if you agree with us or even disagree. The important thing is that you have a great time listening to our podcast.