We all know the mighty Mississippi. Roaring through Winona with the various boats, swimmers, fishers, and floods. We are so used to it we may think there is nothing new about it. That the river holds no true mystery. Well, what if you were underwater. What would you hear from under the waves? Today on Art Beat we are joined by Erik Schoster and Jason Nanna as they dive into the Sounds of the Mississippi River.
Original air date: 09/26/23
Art Beat is written and produced by KQAL FM on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
What is Art Beat?
Adding insight and giving you a closer look at Minnesota artists. Art Beat airs weekly and features interviews with artists in Winona and around Southeastern Minnesota. Art Beat examines the independent artist community, studio, art tours & fairs.