The Divine Life of Sai Baba

'Lighting Lamps without Oil' is the 43rd story in this series.

'Sai Baba's Divine Leelas' is a new audio series compiled and recited by Dr Vinny Chitluri. Repeated hearing of these Leelas will deepen one's faith and love in Baba.

The sacred festival of Guru Purnima fell on the 24th of July 2002. Early in the morning, Megha Shrisa Kamath visited the Sai Baba Temple and offered fruits and confectionery to Baba. Then she went to Vijay Hazare’s home and spent some quality time talking about Baba’s Leelas.

That night, as usual, Megha chanted Baba’s name, and soon fell fast asleep. A short while later, Megha had this wonderful, life-changing dream. In the dream, Megha saw Baba seated in His usual place in the sanctum sanctorum. Baba was sitting in His characteristic posture next to the railing with His left forearm resting on it. Megha ran up the steps of the Dwarka Mai and clasped Baba’s feet and laid her head on them. Baba then placed his beatific hand on her head and blessed her, saying, “Allah Malik.” He then applied some Udi on her forehead. Megha sat in front of Baba and asked Him, “Baba, why did you light the earthen lamps with water?”

Baba paused a while and said, “I had to light the lamps without oil for the welfare of all my devotees. My heart is overflowing with Maya, love and compassion for each and every devotee. However, I am sorrowful to see that people are full of vicious tendencies. Unfortunately, it is wide spread and I see it in all four directions, and it hurts me.” Megha immediately asked, “Baba, what vicious tendencies?”

Shaking His head Baba answered, “A multitude of people pour oil in lamps and light them daily. They place them in their prayer room in front of God, outside their front door, and next to the Tulsi Vrindavan. Some do this ritual four times a day, while others keep an ‘ever burning’ lamp in their prayer room. Yet they are spiteful, malicious and inhuman to others. Their heart is devoid of empathy, humanity and love for other human beings. It is futile to light a lamp without love and compassion; it is akin to lighting a lamp without oil. So why light a lamp at all? Daily, you light a lamp then go out and do deceitful acts, and conspire against others. You then spend huge amounts of money and offer incense, flowers and Prasad to me, and make a show of your devotion. The person may be a man or a woman, they may be a brother and sister, a husband and wife, or any other relative, but their relationship is barren and devoid of love. Because they are ‘blood relatives’ and they are bound to each other through karmic bonds, the relationship is grudgingly maintained. Unfortunately, a mother-in-law does not consider her daughter-in-law as her very own daughter; or, the elder brother’s wife is devoid of love and sisterly affection towards the younger brother’s wife. I perceive intense darkness in the deep recess of your mind and heart. Indeed a few of you are straightforward, humane and compassionate, and it is extremely hard for you to survive in this world. If your heart and mind is devoid of love, do not bother to light a lamp. I feel a person should light a lamp if his heart is pure and free of ill will towards others, and then it will dispel the darkness. And the real lamp will be ignited. Neither my Udi nor meditation will help if you are bereft of good will towards others. Only when you embrace love and compassion will the darkness disappear. I am saddened by the intense darkness that I see all around me.

My child, you questioned me about lighting lamps with water, so I told you this. It will benefit all of you if you tell as many devotees as you can about what I said, and make them aware of it. Even if they don’t read my Leelas, my Charita or perform my Aartis, it is alright as long as they embrace my message and change their callous ways.

My dear child, will you do this for me?” After saying this, Baba with tears in His eyes placed his hand on Megha’s head and blessed her. At that very moment, she woke up and realized that she had been dreaming. From that moment, it had become a mission in her life to give every devotee that she meets Baba’s special message.

This Leela was taken from Sai Prasad, Deepavali ank, 2002.

Show Notes

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.