The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast

Today you're going to hear from Dr. Monica Buerger. She is a chiropractor and basically pioneered the sensory motor development movement into the chiropractic profession. And she was one of the first chiropractors to start putting an emphasis on sensory processing disorder and how we serve and help us chiropractors with that challenge.

Listen to discover:
  • Using chiropractic care as a way to regulate your nervous system
  • Brain and body work with kids and adults with chronic health issues or neurological based disorders - Autism, ADHD, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.
  • Fetal programming - the way we unconsciously respond to a situation based on the way our mother responded to situations.
Show Notes:

What is The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast?

Welcome to The Health & Wellness Practitioners Podcast! Dr. Danielle and other guest experts talk about everything from getting your practice started, developing your clinical skills, growing your practice YOUR way, and dealing with the real stuff life burnout and work/life balance. Whether you’ve been practicing for decades or just started your journey, you’ll find something here for you!