Keep Going

Last time around we covered the essentials of a quality session. This time around we attempt to cover what to consider when starting a training cycle. Jury is out on whether we succeed or not. What we most certainly do is get our rant on. Steve pops off all over the goddamn place. Trigger warnings for vegans, overreachers, those who are full of shit & many others. This is definitely a wide open conversation heavy on Steve's "strong opinions".
Godspeed, friends, godspeed. 

Creators & Guests

Michael Krajicek
Steve Sisson
Coach, podcaster, writer, runner, accidental philosopher, guide. Exploring running as soulmaking.

What is Keep Going?

Two guys - a shoe designer & a coach - talk shit about running, mostly. This podcast is our therapy & fills a critical need for human conversation in our lives. Welcome along for the ride.