go podcast()

Is Generics going to cause a fragmentation in the community? What's the big deal about it, I personally will appreciate less for-loop where it make sense to reduce verbosity.

Show Notes

What are you thinking about Generics? What about 3rd party libraries that will pop from everywhere once Go 1.18 launched?

Personally, I'll appreciate what the std lib offers and will wait before writing generics code, making sure I really need it.

I'm currently working on a free and open-source self-hosted Firebase alternative - if such things sound interesting, please join the Discord group and contribution are very welcome (it's written in Go of course).

This is my course on Building SaaS apps in Go.

Creators & Guests

Dominic St-Pierre
Go system builder - entrepreneur. I've been writing software systems since 2001. I love SaaS, building since 2008.

What is go podcast()?

15 minutes news, tips, and tricks on the Go programming language.