Our group tries to find their way to the Night Market, and they come across a few distractions on their way. They also learn more about one another and their relationship grows...more intense! When our group finally makes it to the Night Market, we find out if they remember the specific phrase Nekocata and Ra’an struggled to teach them last time.
Check out the first episode of this arc here: https://goo.gl/e9hvka
You can find our other shows and cool content on http://www.bitchteamalpha.com/
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Bitch Team Alpha was created by Katey Lee in April of 2014 and launched in May of 2014 with the help of Amanda, Katie Leone, Katie Tregs, Robin, and Jessica. BTA started as a network of podcasts, but quickly evolved to include editorial and review content, as well. Currently, Bitch Team Alpha focuses on delivering awesome audio, video, and written content with a focus on gaming and entertainment from a female perspective for everyone to enjoy.
After a year-long hiatus, Katie Tregs and Jessica relaunched BTA Podcasts with new podcasts and contributors!