Yah Lah BUT...

This past weekend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a surprise appearance at the Shangri-La Dialogue, where he called on Asian countries to join an upcoming Swiss-led peace summit to discuss the terms needed to end the war. While he was applauded by many and even hailed for his “leadership” by Minister of Defence Ng Eng Hen, online commenters criticised the move to host him here. Why the mixed reception? Meanwhile, a new Raffles statue at Fort Canning ignited debate about attitudes towards our colonial past, with even Tommy Koh, Gwee Li Sui and Neil Humphreys wading into the discussion. Is this another case of wokeness gone too far?

(00:00) A message from Folklory
(00:51) Intro
(07:32) Ukrainian President Zelensky Calls Out China
(32:07) New Raffles Statue Sparks Debate About Colonialism
(48:31) One Shiok Comment
(52:40) One Shiok Thing 

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Ukrainian President Zelensky Calls Out China
New Raffles Statue Sparks Debate About Colonialism
One Shiok Comment

One Shiok Thing

Mics and Headphones from @shure
Chairs from @ergotunechair
Desk from @castlerysg

Edited and mixed by Tristen Yeak

What is Yah Lah BUT...?

The most uncensored conversations about censorable things coming out from the much-censored country of Singapore. Hosted by Haresh & Terence from the comedy house Ministry of Funny.