Show Notes
Stream payroll with Superfluid:’s guest is Yorke Rhodes - founding engineer at Hyperlane, a protocol which serves as a platform for building cross chain applications.
Yorke is very knowledgable about building smart contracts. He was previously at Celo and has spent his career going deep on solidity before joining Hyperlane (which was previously known as Abacus), as a founding engineer.
In this episode, Yorke and I talk through the details of Hyperlane’s system for sending and receiving messages cross chain, and talk through cross chain tech more generally. We also talk through things like how Hyperlane thinks through developer experience & building APIs, and Yorke’s thoughts on smart contract security. Finally, we wrap up by asking Yorke what his favorite design patterns and optimizations are - something we always love asking.
If you’re a solidity developer with an interest in cross chain technology, this episode is for you.
Yorke on Twitter: @0xyorke
Hyperlane docs: