How to Solve Poverty

This video introduces the concept of microeconomics as a foundational aspect of economic studies that focuses on individuals, households, and firms making decisions on resource allocation, thereby shaping the economy. It explains microeconomics' role in understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, and price determination. Furthermore, the video delves into the linkage between microeconomics and poverty, showing how labor market dynamics, consumer choices, and market structures influence poverty levels. The video concludes by suggesting strategies to leverage microeconomic insights for poverty alleviation, such as promoting fair competition, improving education and skills, and implementing social safety nets. It also highlights essential skills for students passionate about solving poverty, including econometrics and data analysis, behavioral economics, and public policy analysis, encouraging them to join Plato University for further learning.


How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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What is How to Solve Poverty?

Learn to solve one of the greatest challenges of our time: poverty. In this course you’ll use systems thinking to understand the causes, systems, and obstacles underlying the poverty challenge and discover a portfolio of possible solutions. Explore our easy-to-understand, science-backed lessons with actionable advice and practical skills you can learn to start taking action right away without being an economist!

When you're ready to learn more skills, join for FREE at Plato.University/courses/poverty to get exclusive access to lesson content, worksheets, coaching, and a learning community.

How to Solve Climate Change is a skill course brought to you by Plato University.