The Dead Sibling Society

Episode one is all about Gracie as we get to know podcast co-host Gracie Nuttall, whose sister, Laura, died in May 2023.

Gracie tells Callum all about her relationship with her big sister, how she coped with watching Laura's cancer progress, and how she and her family said goodbye.

Laura shot to fame after her diagnosis with her famous 'bucket list' which saw her meet Michelle Obama, command a Royal Navy ship, drive a tank, graduate from the University of Manchester and plenty more.

Since her death, Laura's family has continued her campaigning, and the charity, the Be More Laura Foundation, has already made grants and donations of £85,000 to research projects.

You can find out more about Laura and her family's charity here.

What is The Dead Sibling Society?

Welcome to The Dead Sibling Society, a podcast where we dive deep into the emotional rollercoaster of our loved ones dying. Gracie and Callum, who’ve both experienced sibling bereavement, will be joined by amazing and fascinating guests who share their own stories, not limited to just siblings. Together, they explore the highs and lows of grief, sharing personal stories, funny moments, and heartfelt reflections.

What to expect:

•⁠ ⁠Interviews with fascinating guests sharing their own bereavement stories
•⁠ ⁠Emotional and raw discussions
•⁠ ⁠A space where you can find comfort, understanding, and even laughter amidst the tears
•⁠ ⁠Tears and laughter, capturing the full spectrum of grief.

Join us for candid, comforting, and sometimes hilarious conversations on The Dead Sibling Society.