Poetry of Impact

Bruce Friedrich is the founder and CEO of the Good Food Institute (GFI). As a child, he
became profoundly aware of the poverty and starvation of others and was compelled to do
something about it. He explains how this led him to found GFI to address global poverty and
challenge the industrialized food system. GFI does this while also supporting a work culture that
promotes vocational self-actualization and avoids burnout. This conversation highlights Bruce’s
belief that making animal products without animals (plant-based and cellular agriculture) can do
a huge amount to prevent climate change, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate existential risks.

What is Poetry of Impact?

Poetry of Impact brings to life the ebb and flow inherent on the path of impact, illuminating the interior journey of the hearts and minds of today’s top leaders in impact. Here, you’ll hear the intimate stories of those who push forward to overcome self-limitations and societal barriers to co-create a world where, one day, all people and planet can thrive together.