Delorean Philosophy

In the run up to Christmas, Steve McAlpine looks dubiously at the West's repeated calls for 'peace on earth'. 

Could peace - at least as far as the West is concerned - remain beyond reach because of the direction our culture wars have taken?

If calls for tolerance are now viewed suspiciously as a fig leaves for oppressive powers, so much so that we must behave in a violently intolerant way, then what room is there for peace?

Instead, we may find ourselves in a society that is perpetually at war with itself because we haven't learnt the ability to forgive our enemies without requiring their total subjugation.

What is Delorean Philosophy?

Where are we going as a society? And will you be happy when we get there? Steve McAlpine is here to help you answer those questions.

If a Delorean time machine pulled up in front of your house - Back To The Future style - and someone offered to show you what the future would be like, would you be content with what you found? And if not, what could you do to change it? Thinking this through is what Steve McAlpine calls Delorean Philosophy.

Steve McAlpine is a well-known social commentator, respected theologian and popular author. Each week, he takes a crucial trend or event that's playing out in society now and asks, "Where is this taking us?"

Rather than just pontificating, Steve then provides practical steps listeners can take if they want to change the future. That's Delorean Philosophy.