The Eric Normand Podcast

If I write a straightforward solution to a problem in Clojure, it might take me a thousand lines of code to solve it. To handle all the corner cases and everything, I got a thousand lines of code. However, if I take this other approach where it’s much more indirect, or instead of solving the problem that I have in front of me, I write a language–a DSL. The DSL could take me 500 lines of code to write. That’s a fairly large DSL. Usually they’re much smaller, but it takes me 500 lines of code. Actually, writing the solution in it only takes 10 lines of code.

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What is The Eric Normand Podcast?

An off-the-cuff stream of Functional Programming ideas, skills, patterns, and news from Functional Programming expert Eric Normand of LispCast. Formerly known as Thoughts on Functional Programming.