Femtech Health Podcast

Tune in to this episode featuring Anne Duch, owner of Physical Therapy for Women in Delaware, as she delves into her passion for women's health, particularly focusing on the autonomic nervous system in pelvic health. With 27 years of experience, Anne shares insights on the profound impact of the nervous system on pelvic health outcomes and the importance of understanding this connection in patient care. Join the conversation to explore the fascinating intersection of physical and mental well-being in women's health.

  • (05:33) Understanding the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for patients, especially in pelvic health therapy.
  • (09:28) Introducing the concept of neuroception, where the nervous system senses and responds to stimuli before conscious awareness.
  • (18:29) Utilizing touch points along the vagus nerve to promote vagal tone and resilience in the autonomic nervous system.
  • (26:01) Exploring various touch points and breathwork techniques to help regulate the nervous system and promote relaxation.
  • (33:37) Emphasizing the role of the brain in processing somatic information from the body and the importance of mobilizing the nervous system when needed.
Host Bio

This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology. 
Brought to you by...

https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home. 

Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

What is Femtech Health Podcast?

Femtech and women's health podcast. We talk to leading experts in endometriosis, prenatal postpartum, pelvic floor, biotech and more. Join us weekly for conversations your OBGYN didn't even know existed.