Reimagine Law

There are lots of opportunities out there to gain opportunities and experience, but how do you find out about those opportunities and what are they? This episodes considers this point while showcasing the work of the Sutton Trust.

Show Notes

There are so many opportunities to find out about the legal profession and what it involves, but you need to know where to look for them and find which ones interest you.  Looking early and matching opportunties to your values can really help maximise your development.  Laura Bruce gives a fantastic overview of the work of the Sutton Trust who provide many opportunities to future lawyers and Blessing gives a great insight as to what it is like to undertake them.

This episode encourage listeners to undertake some practical actions after listening to the episode.

- Confidence is important, and difficult to gain. Reflect on the different areas that you feel you lack confidence in and think about what opportunties might help you increase your competence in that area.
- Opportunities are there and they are open to you.  Look at the search terms and organisations mentioned by Laura Bruce to see if any of them interest you. 

- Have a look at the Sutton Trust website here
- Have a look at Prime
- The Pegasus Access and Support Scheme at Inner Temple is here
- Middle Temple have an access to the Bar scheme here
- There are lots of pro bono opportunities listed here

What is Reimagine Law?

A podcast about legal education to help students navigate an increasingly complex set of career path choices, and build the mind-set of being a life-long learner. We're here to promote innovative education, and diverse workforces by democratising access to career advice from both experts and current students alike.