The Bible as Literature

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Hosea's reading of Genesis, exploring the biblical concept of antiheroism as expressed in Hosea's critique of the Patriarch Jacob. Along the lines of Hellenistic literature, the addresses of the Bible want to believe in its characters; they want to believe that Jacob is a good guy. Unfortunately for Jacob, and in contrast with Hellenistic literature, in the biblical tradition, there is no one who is good: there are no heroes, no champions, no protagonists and no individuals. In the Bible, there is only God and a single choice for humanity: life or death? (Episode 24)

Show Notes

Richard and Fr. Marc discuss Hosea's reading of Genesis, exploring the biblical concept of antiheroism as expressed in Hosea's critique of the Patriarch Jacob. Along the lines of Hellenistic literature, the addresses of the Bible want to believe in its characters; they want to believe that Jacob is a good guy. Unfortunately for Jacob, and in contrast with Hellenistic literature, in the biblical tradition, there is no one who is good: there are no heroes, no champions, no protagonists and no individuals. In the Bible, there is only God and a single choice for humanity: life or death? (Episode 24)

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What is The Bible as Literature?

Each week, Dr. Richard Benton, Fr. Marc Boulos and guests discuss the content of the Bible as literature. On Tuesdays, Fr. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages.