Good News for Today

They may not be able to control the results, but a group of believers are being faithful to the task about the millions of people gathered in Paris for the Summer Olympics.
Jason Harris is leading a team of more than 300 short-term volunteers to hit the streets of Paris sharing the gospel.
He says they are united around a common vision to make Christ known among Europeans and a long-term goal to plant five churches in Paris over the next five years.
Harris explained that short-term volunteers are vital to sharing the Gospel broadly and making connections that will catalyze their local church-planting strategy and lead to longevity.
Each week of Olympics outreach, volunteers are focused on sharing the gospel within specific geographical and cultural segments of Paris. They are using a number of creative strategies as entry points for evangelism and have invited local French churches to work alongside them.  
“My prayer has been that the outreach for the Olympics would be a launching point for church planting in the city,” Harris said.
Ultimately, the harvest is in God’s hands. They have already witnessed God drawing people to Himself through volunteer efforts this summer.
Park Street Church in Butte, Montana is trying to live out Acts 8:4. What is Acts 8:4?
The verse says, “Those who have been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”
Through the church’s ministry in the community and their very intention ministry to students at Montana Tech University, they are seeing God use them to reach their neighborhood and the nations.
Pastor Judson works to reach college students and many of them end up serving in some type of missions or ministry capacity all over the world.
The church isn’t large, but they are seeing God bless their faithfulness to His call to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
If you’ve ever led a group of people, you know it’s a challenge. Much of the pressure comes from within. In that Baptist Press Toolbox, Jacki C. King offers tips on how you can grow as a leader and give yourself room to fail. Read the full piece at Baptist Press.
With 2.3 billion people plagued by food insecurity, the fight against hunger has never been great. Learn how you can help at

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Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.