Keep Going

This episode is in honor of Lightenin' Larry Bright. Larry was an athlete I coached, a coach I mentored & a friend with whom I shared miles & smiles & tears. Larry took his own life recently & I want to take this opportunity to ask each of you to reach out to someone you know today to tell them you care for them. We never know how our actions might positively impact a friend or colleague who may need your touch. Do not miss this opportunity. We are all interconnected & what happens to one of us, happens to all of us. 
In this episode, Michael & I debrief our experience at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. I came away from the race, which by nearly all metrics was an unmitigated success, feeling a shadow lingering. Every athlete either set a personal best or ran better than they had hoped. But because one athlete in our group was trying to qualify for the US Olympic Trials, the stakes seemed even higher than usual. She missed the required mark after staying on pace for over 20 miles, yet her ability to hold sub-6 minute miles became frustratingly untenable. She still set PR & slipped under the 2:40 barrier but our entire group all felt a sense of sadness that was palpable even as we celebrated post-race. 

Michael & I work through this ambiguity & its shadow in this episode. Hopefully you can resonate & learn from our shared exploration in this episode we call Embracing Uncertainty: Patter & Chaos in Assessing Results.
Godspeed, my friends, godspeed. 

Creators & Guests

Michael Krajicek
Steve Sisson
Coach, podcaster, writer, runner, accidental philosopher, guide. Exploring running as soulmaking.

What is Keep Going?

Two guys - a shoe designer & a coach - talk shit about running, mostly. This podcast is our therapy & fills a critical need for human conversation in our lives. Welcome along for the ride.