Angie Creates

Angie Creates Trailer Bonus Episode 80 Season 1

#80 線上學期制課程、學習中文、追求自己想要的人生 ft. 馬曉偉 Will Mannon

#80 線上學期制課程、學習中文、追求自己想要的人生 ft. 馬曉偉 Will Mannon#80 線上學期制課程、學習中文、追求自己想要的人生 ft. 馬曉偉 Will Mannon

轉型 Angie Creates 的第一集,超級榮幸邀請到改變我人生走向的Write of Passage 的核心人物 Will Mannon 馬曉偉!本集曉偉和我們分享他為什麼喜歡學中文、我們兩個人的地震書單和學期制課程的趨勢分析.

關於曉偉 About Will
曉偉 Will Mannon 是我曾分享過的寫作課程「寫作的成年禮 (Write of Passage」的課程總監,之前也是另一門線上學期制課程 Building a Second Brain 的課程總監,這兩門課算是在全球學期制課程浪潮的探索先鋒.曉偉曾住在中國兩個月,包括上海和北京,也來過台灣一次。他在自己的Youtube 頻道 "Will Learns Chinese" 分享書評、創作和他的每日紀錄,也在他的  "Will Learns Chinese" 音頻上以中文訪談不同的來賓. 他曾住在北京六個月,具有很棒的中文底子.在他的空閒時間,他喜歡探索語言、文學、歷史和哲學.

" I’m the Course Director for Write of Passage (and formerly Building a Second Brain). Through my job I explore the wild west of online education. In my free time I explore language, literature, history, and philosophy. I review books and ideas on YouTube, and I publish daily vlogs on my "Will Learns Chinese" YouTube channel. I also host the "Will Learns Chinese" podcast, where I interview guests on a variety of topics. I lived in China for 6 months and I speak Mandarin comfortably. One day I’ll be fluent (working on it)."

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What is Angie Creates?

The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.