William Matteson was a Veterans Employment Representative at the Office of Veterans Services for the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development in Janesville. He is a retired counselor and training professional with extensive knowledge in employee development, recruiting organizational management, and community outreach in military and civilian settings. William shares his experience and tips about transitioning from the military into a civilian career by explaining, communicating, and translating the military skills into civilian ‘language’ so employers can understand how military professionals can contribute to civilian companies. He discusses what to do when not getting calls to interview, explains how to write a cover letter, and shares the star statements no one should forget while creating a resume. William emphasizes the importance of communicating how military skills and training are beneficial in the civilian world.

Show Notes

🤓 William and AnnaMaria both served as Army career counselors. 01:19
💡 MLS and transferable skills. 02:24
❓ How to translate military skills so that the employer can understand what you're bringing to the table. 03:27
🤯 William was a Soldier for Life transition manager, and what the Department of Labor offers. 05:52
▶️ Fill out the federal job application from USA Jobs, check the joint services transcript, and obtain VMET. 08:09
🧐 Understanding the quality of your resume and how to get more interviews. 10:59
📝 Cover letters and star statements: five-page cover letter. 14:21
✨ Gems about finding a job and how to enhance the correct values. 15:30
🌞 How AnnaMaria helped her son to get his dream job. 17:21
🎓 William is now retired, but he is back in school. 19:58
🎯 What you need to ensure in the first paragraph while using the correct terminology. 20:29
🗽 Every state has an Office of Veteran Employment Services. 28:08

👉 Connect with AnnaMaria:
⭐ Connect with AnnaMaria: www,

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