
In Nova Scotia and across Canada, we are facing an issue with the workforce that we have never really faced before. We simply don't have enough skilled workers to do the work that needs to be done. We don't have enough skilled workers to fill the jobs that are available across the country. At the WCB, we think that part of the solution to this problem might be right in front of us.

In Nova Scotia, more time is lost to workplace injury than it is anywhere else across the country. Almost a million days were lost last year to workplace injury. But what if we could keep those skilled workers safe and healthy at work? What if for those people who did have a workplace injury, we were able to bring them back into the workplace with new and different thinking that would keep them at work longer, and make sure that we have more people doing the jobs that need to be done. 

Joining us today is Melissa Jenkins. Melissa is the Health and Wellness Manager for Emergency Medical Care. This is the group that operates ambulances and handles 811 and 911 calls in our province. This is an essential group for us as Nova Scotians. Melissa is really leading the way in new approaches to helping people return to the workplace safely in a timely way after a workplace injury.

Melissa is also a member of the First Responders Mental Health Steering Committee, along with Shelley Rowan, and through that forum works collaboratively with first responders and leaders from police, fire, nursing, corrections, labour and government, to develop tools and resources to help first responders maintain positive mental health throughout their careers.

In this conversation, Shelley and Melissa discuss the elements involved in the return to work process, including risk prevention in emergency medical roles, engaging employees while they are recovering and the importance of an individualized approach to support a successful return to work. 

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