Business Profound: Getting Real About Success

In this episode of Business Profound, host Karen Tax discusses the impact of anxiety on business leaders and how to manage it using mindfulness practices. Arguing against forcing or suppressing anxiety, Karen presents a method that involves noticing and allowing anxious feelings to move. Karen emphasizes that it's an individual journey and progress depends on personal experience. She also unveils that the technique involves daily practice and may require guidance from a skilled coach, especially for beginners.

The interview culminates with an invitation to the listeners to check out 'Define Your True Self course' at IAMX. 1 to learn more about creating success for themselves and their organizations.

This episode covers: 
- An Introduction to Mindfulness in Business
- Understanding the Shift from Anxiety to Calmness
- The Role of Mindfulness Practices in Managing Anxiety
- The Importance of Daily Practice and Skill Development
- The Power of Acceptance and Welcoming Anxiety
- The Role of Coaches in Managing Anxiety
- Understanding Individual Differences in Anxiety Management
- The Next Steps After Noticing and Accepting Anxiety
- Conclusion and Further Resources

What is Business Profound: Getting Real About Success?

I’ve Been Exactly Where You Are Right Now

I know it can be difficult when you combine profit with purpose. How can you go beyond just focussing myopically on the bottom line into work that reflects the values of your heart and soul?

What are you supposed to do when you’re overcome by your monster to-do list?

How do you act when what you clearly see as the right thing to do is in conflict with other interests?

These are just some of the challenges I’ve had to overcome in my 30+ years working in corporations and as an entrepreneur, and it's the entire reason I launched the Business Profound Podcast.

I've developed a leadership framework called IAMX to help individuals, teams, and organizations align with their strategy, operationalize their culture, and through all of that, thrive collectively.

As a technically-minded person who is also unapologetically heart-centered, I've been inspired to develop many different tools to resolve some of the biggest challenges we face in corporate America. The Business Profound Podcast is my way of sharing what I've learned with you. Together, we explore and share real-world stories of leaders who are creating bold, new versions of success, and effective ways to integrate mindfulness & sustainability at work.

—Karen Tax
Creator of IAMX

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