Woodside Bible Church Pontiac

Woodside Bible Church Pontiac Trailer Bonus Episode 13 Season 1

Unshakeable – Part 2: Gracious Motivation – Pastor Ryan Russell

Unshakeable – Part 2: Gracious Motivation – Pastor Ryan RussellUnshakeable – Part 2: Gracious Motivation – Pastor Ryan Russell


In Part 2 of our message series, Unshakeable: Steadfast Hope in an Unpredictable World, we pose the question; what do you hope for? We make the connection of how our hope transforms our actions. Listen with us in our newest message, What Do You Hope For?

Show Notes

What do you hope for today? What do you hope for this year? Or even this lifetime? Hope is a powerful thing and it can guide how we choose to live each day. This week we continue our series, Unshakeable: Steadfast Hope in an Unpredictable World, where we make the connection of what we hope to how we act. When we know of the future grace and victory God has given us, we are transformed in how we conduct our lives! But do we truly find our hope in God alone? Listen with us in our newest message, What Do You Hope For?

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