Who Woke Me Up?

Retired World Cup skier-turned-coach Andy Newell represented the U.S. at a staggering nine world championships, four Olympics, and 200-plus World Cups in his career; if it happened in international skiing between 2000 and 2020, Newell was probably there. Join him as he brings this experience to bear while discussing the challenges and successes of the U.S. Ski Team, the barriers to American ski development, how he's used all this experience while leading the resurgent BSF Pro Team, and more. See the website for full subject-matter timestamps for this episode.

What is Who Woke Me Up??

The podcast arm of nordicinsights.news, your source for North American cross-country ski news with integrity and intent. Join host Fast Big Dog as we sit down for unfiltered conversations with a wide range of people involved in and impacting nordic skiing in this country. We aim to both educate and amuse. Podcast content does not reflect the views of Nordic Insights or its advertisers.