Redemption Unveiled

Are you in a dark season of life? Do you feel like you are just suffering through it?

I don’t want you to think there is NO point to your suffering, in fact, our suffering can bring so many opportunities to our life!
There are amazing things we can discover during these times.

This is a great time to find clarity in your life. Who are you and what do you believe? Because if you are like me, it is easy to start doubting the things we thought we “knew” when life was easy!

The second thing that is great about our times of suffering is that it is the PERFECT time to master what we have control of and what we don’t. The key here is to own what we can control, but learn to surrender what we can’t. (Trust me, as a recovering control freak I understand how hard surrender is.)

Lastly, our difficult seasons of life are a great time to find confidence! Why would I say that? Well, true confidence is not determined by outward validation. True confidence is being convinced of things for ourselves and not needing anyone or anything to tell us we are enough. So you see, suffering is the perfect time to find our inner strength and be proud of our perseverance in life.

If you are in a time of suffering this podcast is the PERFECT encouragement for you! Don’t forget, what you do during this time is important and will impact your future greatly.

Have a great day!


What is Redemption Unveiled?

Say "yes" to the adventures God has for you & be prepared to do what it takes!