Sensing Journeys | Audio Garden | GF2022

Featuring: Rakibe Kulcur, Emmanuelle Chiche, Konstantina Togaridou, Amelia Delgado, Antje Kammermeier, Kamal Tribak, Bruno LisboaKatarzyna, Balucka-Debska, Tony Hand

We, the Climate Pact Ambassadors’ Societal Transformation Hub, are a community of concerned European citizens, who come together, not as experts in the field of climate, and not driven by any political agenda, but as volunteers, committed to supporting and advancing a pan-European climate movement and action.
Emerging out of Covid, with a war raging in Europe, with misinformation impacting opinions, we are constantly faced with the challenges of climate emergency. And so, more than ever, our time to act and to use our voice is now. We want to help make visible and felt what is truly happening in Europe beyond the terrifying scenarios around us. As we come together, we want to inquire together into:

What are the positive actions happening in Europe now?
How can our involvement have a transformative and sustainable impact?
Where are we ready to become quicker and more courageous?
How can we help each other?

The Climate Pact Ambassadors’ Societal Transformation Hub invited EU-based climate action projects to join an hour-long Sensing Conversation, aiming to make visible what is currently happening in the region. We hoped to sense into the current reality and emerging seeds of change. Sharing this will support our meaning-making in our common global moment and emerging future.

What is Sensing Journeys | Audio Garden | GF2022?

Transforming Society and Self
This collection of Sensing Journeys are submissions received from our Global Sensing Community, Faculty and Partners.
All submissions are curated and presented by the Presencing Institute