Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald

Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 4

Waterloo author CAROL DUNCAN on writing the historical fantastic

Waterloo author CAROL DUNCAN on writing the historical fantasticWaterloo author CAROL DUNCAN on writing the historical fantastic

Carol Duncan talks to us about writing short stories inflected with Caribbean history and culture, and about her research roots when writing the historical fantastic. Her collection of short stories, This Spot of Ground: Spiritual Baptists in Toronto is available through Wilfrid Laurier University Press and fine booksellers everywhere.

What is Watershed Writers w/ Tanis MacDonald?

A podcast dedicated to interviewing local writers practicing their art and craft in the Grand River region. You can listen to the show every Saturday morning at 10am on Midtown Radio KW. Supported by the Waterloo Region Arts Fund.