The Good Tech Companies

This story was originally published on HackerNoon at:
You can quickly and securely create your own customized token in Obyte, without coding, including its own parameters and minimal fees.
Check more stories related to programming at: You can also check exclusive content about #tokenization, #custom-tokenizers, #custom-tokens, #crypto-wallet, #how-to-create-a-token, #obyte, #digital-asset-creation, #good-company, and more.

This story was written by: @obyte. Learn more about this writer by checking @obyte's about page, and for more stories, please visit

Obyte is an open-source platform that allows you to create your own tokens. The whole process can take around five minutes, without coding at all. The newly minted coins will be sent to your Obyte wallet address. There are also more advanced features like private, attested, and co-signed tokens.

What is The Good Tech Companies ?

Distributing the announcements and blogs posts by the the top software, crypto, ai, futurism and technology companies. An audio story feed by HackerNoon.