The Pollsters

Thanks everyone who came to our live show at Harvard! Yes, that means you!
Poll of the week: Are we creepy?
Slate story on creepiness  
2016: Dem side
Is it an upset? A reset? Does it matter? Check the slide-y thing:
NYTimes "slidey thing" HP trendlines  
2016: GOP
Remember Margie’s CNBC post? Well there was no gender gap for Trump in WI
Exit polls Margie’s CNBC piece  
Meet the contest-ants!
Will the parties unite? Divide? Come to literal or figurative blows? Despite some heated rhetoric around the word “qualified” the Dem side may be in better shape than the GOP side.
Big Pew study Marist/McLatchy poll  
Senate battlegrounds
Margie has not one but two races to figure out.
WP/UofMD poll on MD senate Quinnipiac on Pennsylvania  
Ask a millennial:
Which of the following things do only Millennials like?
--free wifi
--clean, non-smoking rooms
--their cellies.
--wait, I like all those things too?
NYT confirms Millennials like wifi.
Mediapost on netflix streaming
When all else fails, ask The Onion
We’re experimenting with a new segment called” reading Onion headlines aloud. What do you think?
The Onion goes behind the scenes  
Key findings:
The race is headed toward New York. That should calm things down. I feel qualified to say Democrats feel more unified than Republicans. But i only have a few more weeks to call myself an undecided primary voter. This is just another thing on my to-do list stressing me out. We asked Millennials if they like free stuff & clean stuff. They said yes. And when we run out of things to say, which is never, we turn to the Onion.  

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Show Notes

Thanks everyone who came to our live show at Harvard! Yes, that means you!   Poll of the week: Are we creepy? Slate story on creepiness   2016: Dem side Is it an upset? A reset? Does it matter? Check the slide-y thing: NYTimes "slidey thing" HP trendlines   2016: GOP Remember Margie’s CNBC post? Well there was no gender gap for Trump in WI Exit polls Margie’s CNBC piece   Meet the contest-ants! Will the parties unite? Divide? Come to literal or figurative blows? Despite some heated rhetoric around the word “qualified” the Dem side may be in better shape than the GOP side. Big Pew study Marist/McLatchy poll   Senate battlegrounds Margie has not one but two races to figure out. WP/UofMD poll on MD senate Quinnipiac on Pennsylvania   Ask a millennial: Which of the following things do only Millennials like? --free wifi --clean, non-smoking rooms --their cellies. --buzzfeed --wait, I like all those things too? NYT confirms Millennials like wifi. Mediapost on netflix streaming   When all else fails, ask The Onion We’re experimenting with a new segment called” reading Onion headlines aloud. What do you think? The Onion goes behind the scenes   Key findings: The race is headed toward New York. That should calm things down. I feel qualified to say Democrats feel more unified than Republicans. But i only have a few more weeks to call myself an undecided primary voter. This is just another thing on my to-do list stressing me out. We asked Millennials if they like free stuff & clean stuff. They said yes. And when we run out of things to say, which is never, we turn to the Onion.  

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Creators & Guests

Kristen Soltis Anderson
Pollster/founder: @echeloninsights. On-air: @cnn. Writer: @nytopinion, The Selfie Vote. Florida woman in DC. Go Gators.
Margie Omero
Margie Omero is a Principal at the Democratic polling firm GBAO with over 25 years of experience providing strategic advice and qualitative and quantitative research to candidates, organizations, and brands.

What is The Pollsters?

Politics. Policy. Polling. Pop Culture.

Explore what America's thinking with two of the country's leading pollsters-the bipartisan team of Democrat Margie Omero and Republican Kristen Soltis Anderson. In this weekly podcast we take a fresh, friendly look at the numbers driving the week's biggest stories in news, politics, tech, entertainment and pop culture. Along with the occasional interview with pollsters, journalists, and other industry leaders, we'll lift the hood on the numbers revealing the hidden secrets of the public's mind.