One Country Project's Hot Dish

If there's one thing rural America is an expert in, it's agriculture. In this episode, Heidi and Joel dive into a compelling conversation about equity, inclusion, and diversification in the agriculture industry with Dr. Tammy Gray-Steele, Mike Espy, and Tanya Spandhla. Together, they shed light on the challenges faced by minority farmers and discuss the essential role of food assistance programs in combating food insecurity in rural America.

Dr. Tammy Gray-Steele shares her journey as a fourth-generation farmer and why she founded the National Women in Agriculture Association to support minority women farmers. Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy discusses the risks facing the SNAP program, a vital food assistance program in rural America, and debunks misconceptions about supporting low-income individuals and families. Then, we hear from Tanya Spandhla, who shares about growing crops from Africa in Maryland and the progress of equity in how loans are disbursed to farmers of color.

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Creators & Guests

Heidi Heitkamp
Joel Heitkamp
Caroline Cooper
Ismael Balderas-Wong

What is One Country Project's Hot Dish?

The Hot Dish delves into the most pressing issues facing rural America. Hosts Heidi and Joel Heitkamp speak with policymakers, advocates and everyday Americans living across rural America about what's happening across the heartland and what should be done to make life better for rural America.ct's The Hot Dish, former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp serves up insight into issues affecting rural Americans.