Your Fellow Human

What does peace feel like to you?

Do you think it's possible to feel at home in more than one place?

Today I want to introduce you to Tamer, Tamer is a bit of a special episode for me for a few reasons, one being the honor of sharing someone I love and respect with you; second, I started this podcast almost 2 years ago back when I first met Tamer and his brother Sam, who if you've been a long time listener than you know Sam was one of my very first guests on the podcast. I met Tamer and his family at their hotel here in Cappadocia and I've since been back twice now, every time it feels a little more like home to me, and every time I get to share a little more time with this beautiful family.

Tamer is one that I have had the honor of getting to know, spend time with, go on adventures with, and one that I am deeply honored to call a friend.

There's a lot I could say about who this man is, about how he loves his partner, his family, of how he gives of his heart so intentionally, of how his presence is gentle and patient, or about how he has a contagious smile; but I'd rather you hear from him...

He shares with me how life has led him around the world, from Holland to Turkey, to Australia, and New Zealand. He shares the struggle and reward in being a nomad at heart, the joy in moments shared of good food and spent with good company, and how he loves getting to share and create a meal or a cocktail and getting to see the joy it brings someone else.

He talks about the importance of being able to share the truth, even the hard truth, but that delivering it in a soft way is more important than simply delivering it, how our tongue can be our greatest enemy if we allow it, and a time in life that he remembers being afraid of what would come next.

Tamer is one that I've found to see others and give without desire for recognition, one that values people, values putting them first, values showing up for the ones he loves, and one that shares who he is with the world in a gentle, kind, creative, and sincere way.

So tune in to today's episode and meet Tamer, a man that speaks with intention, loves with his whole heart, and one that you can't help but learn from.

And to you Tamer thank you, thank you for trusting me to share part of who you are with others, for the time you always give to to hangout and share part of your home, for the way you have welcomed me, and for the memories that make me smile. You have made me a better person for knowing you. Can't wait to see you again soon my friend. @tamerdural

What is Your Fellow Human?

These interview style episodes are all about the way we as people view life, the things we love and the things that cause us pain, the way we think, hope, and fear.

We each hold a unique place in this world, complete with our own dreams, culture, and perspective. It is the individual stories of those I meet along my journey that shape the way I see the world.

I’m excited to share these stories with you and hope they allow you to fall in love with humanity as they have for me.