The Woman Podcast

The Woman Podcast is excited to launch a new teaching series through the Gospel of Luke. Our friends, Rebecca Shatswell, Heather Hoyt & Ellen Hutchinson will be leading us through scripture and helping us better understand how to read God's word on our own.

Show Notes

Discussion Questions: 

  1. In the story with Zacchaeus, why did Jesus say He had come? 
  2. In the “Parable of the Ten Minas,” why was the master so furious at the end of the story? What is there to learn from this parable? (What stands out to you personally?)
  3. What prophecies were fulfilled during the triumphal entry? Do any passages come to mind? (Be sure to check out your study Bible, sometimes there will be notes like this in the margins!) 
  4. In the parable of the widow’s offering in chapter 21, what can you draw from this story when it comes to giving?
  5. Where is God’s temple now? 

On Your Own: 

“Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭19:9-10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In this story with Zacchaeus, Jesus tells him why He came to earth. Rebecca discussed this last week when teaching on our purpose. We oftentimes can attach our identity to many things that are not Jesus, and as a result, lose our sense of purpose. It’s humbling to read passages like this and others when Jesus says that He came to serve. If you’re feeling a little lost or discouraged today, pray and ask God to remind you of the essentials of the Gospel message. If you’re unsure of your purpose, start with this passage and then ask God to reveal anything that may have been lost over the years. He loves to encourage and ultimately draw us back to Himself.

What is The Woman Podcast?

The Woman Podcast, streaming from New Life Church of Arkansas, is designed to invite you into conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and always point you back to Jesus. Thanks for joining us!