Raccoon Man

Harry's experiences in Trapper Hanson's Mansion convinces him that Raccoon Man must be something real, but when Kauffman reveals more about his sisters disappearance, Harry agrees with Chief Tucker he has been barking up the wrong tree all along. But is there still time to find David Fitzpatrick, and find out who is behind all the fur trapping before all evidence is cleared away?

Show Notes

Raccoon Man- Episode 4 - Raccoon Man Cometh

Raccoon Man, a tale of revenge of the natural and supernatural kind. 

The conclusion to Raccoon Man sees Harry return to Trapper Hanson's Mansion, and revenge is in the air.

Raccoon Man-Huron City Radio's first broadcast one year anniversary.

What is Raccoon Man?

When Raccoon Man hunts the hunters, death is the only winner. For Detective Harry Stewart, returning to his home town of Huron City provides opportunity to look into the disappearance some thirty years ago of his sister 'Frankie'. And when the unusual death of a man torn to pieces turns up on his desk, one man links both events, Michael Kauffman, rich kid made even richer and now pillar of Huron City society. Will Harry get to the end of both his pursuits, or will he be clouded by the past and get drawn into shadows in this world and others?