SELAH Commonwealth

If you read through the gospels, you'll notice that Jesus is always doing one of three things: going to a meal, sharing a meal, or leaving a meal. Gathering around the table and sharing meals with people was a fundamental and provocative element to Jesus' Kingdom movement. It is a practice that he desires us to continue today. 

Our All-Family Gatherings begin with a short training on microchurches and missional living followed by table discussions. This training is on the power of sharing life, stories, and food around the table.

Special thanks to Michael Frost, Alan Hirsch, Lance Ford and Steven Barr for their contributions to this episode. 

What is SELAH Commonwealth?

Selah is a collection of trainings, teachings, stories, and reflections from our community. Commonwealth is a community of missionaries and microchurches in Knoxville, TN, who exist to be with Jesus, be like Jesus, and do the things that Jesus did.