The Well Said Podcast

This week’s episode is a recording of a talk I did on the subject of faith in the face of doubts. For more information, check out @truenorthbellingham on Facebook or Instagram. Enjoy the show!

Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone you know what away from the faith? Many of us have been there. It's a challenging experience. One that kinda rocks your world and makes you question your own standing in the gospel. If that person walked away from Jesus, how do I know that I won’t either? How do I know that my faith is even real? How do I know that its not just a product of the way I was raised?

Or here’s another one. We all know friends or relatives who have lived in the church community for a long time, who verbally confess faith in Jesus, but at the end of the day, they don’t really live it out. They don’t feel anything during worship. They find the Bible dull and boring. And yet they say they believe in Jesus. What is the difference between your faith and there’s? Is it just emotions? Why is it that Jesus is so real to you and yet so distant to them?

As challenging and uncomfortable as these experiences are, they are a huge opportunity for us to truly grow up in our convictions about who Jesus is and who we are as his disciples. No matter how long we have been christians, we are in a continual need of challenging and questioning our relationship to him with the goal of exposing false attitudes and deepening our love for him. Faith only grows through our wrestling. Without that internal struggle, our love dries up. There is no such thing as a christian who is always solid, strong and never doubts.

Show Notes

This week’s episode is a recording of a talk I did on the subject of faith in the face of doubts. For more information, check out @truenorthbellingham on Facebook or Instagram. Enjoy the show! Have you ever had the experience of seeing someone you know what away from the faith? Many of us have been there. It's a challenging experience. One that kinda rocks your world and makes you question your own standing in the gospel. If that person walked away from Jesus, how do I know that I won’t either? How do I know that my faith is even real? How do I know that its not just a product of the way I was raised? Or here’s another one. We all know friends or relatives who have lived in the church community for a long time, who verbally confess faith in Jesus, but at the end of the day, they don’t really live it out. They don’t feel anything during worship. They find the Bible dull and boring. And yet they say they believe in Jesus. What is the difference between your faith and there’s? Is it just emotions? Why is it that Jesus is so real to you and yet so distant to them? As challenging and uncomfortable as these experiences are, they are a huge opportunity for us to truly grow up in our convictions about who Jesus is and who we are as his disciples. No matter how long we have been christians, we are in a continual need of challenging and questioning our relationship to him with the goal of exposing false attitudes and deepening our love for him. Faith only grows through our wrestling. Without that internal struggle, our love dries up. There is no such thing as a christian who is always solid, strong and never doubts.

What is The Well Said Podcast?

A weekly conversation about following Jesus amidst the tensions & challenges of our post-christian culture.