
Trigger Warning: Themes of addiction are discussed in this episode. Today on Blended we have the brilliant author, self development coach and queen of manifestation, Roxie Nafousi and today's episode is all about building positive co-parenting relationships. Roxie and Wade are no longer together, but are passionately committed to staying great friends and being the best co-parents they possibly can be. They’ve gone against the status-quo and written their own rules on how to co-parent which includes holidaying together and a new approach to splitting the time they share with their son, Wolfe. Roxie has also navigated a tricky past, struggling with various addictions, self-worth insecurities and post-natal depression, but discusses how her life completely turned around after she had her son Wolfe, who is her bundle of joy. This chat is packed with honesty and so much great insight and advice on how to create a positive co-parenting relationship that prioritises your children's happiness. To become a part of the Blended community follow @Blended on Instagram.

Show Notes

Trigger Warning: Themes of addiction are discussed in this episode. Today on Blended we have the brilliant author, self development coach and queen of manifestation, Roxie Nafousi and today's episode is all about building positive co-parenting relationships. Roxie and Wade are no longer together, but are passionately committed to staying great friends and being the best co-parents they possibly can be. They’ve gone against the status-quo and written their own rules on how to co-parent which includes holidaying together and a new approach to splitting the time they share with their son, Wolfe. Roxie has also navigated a tricky past, struggling with various addictions, self-worth insecurities and post-natal depression, but discusses how her life completely turned around after she had her son Wolfe, who is her bundle of joy. This chat is packed with honesty and so much great insight and advice on how to create a positive co-parenting relationship that prioritises your children's happiness. To become a part of the Blended community follow @Blended on Instagram.

What is Blended?

Hosted by Kate Ferdinand, this podcast is a celebration of blended families - exploring the stories of relationships bound by love, no matter what their circumstances are. Covering subjects such as second marriages, divorce, grief and life after loss, adoption, fostering and (not-so-wicked!) stepmothers, Kate will champion different voices and experiences by speaking with experts, everyday people and celebrities in the public eye.