
In this podcast, we talk with Alex about his journey from sports journalist to web3 builder. Alex is an agency founder and has been working with various technologies to solve interesting problems and build things in the XR/Web3/Metaverse space. We discuss the current technologies used in the industry and how they are helping to shape our digital future.

Show Notes

Definitely an episode for you if you are curious about choosing technology like blockchains and AR/VR to build your career. Alex provides great insights into the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies and how they can be applied in various industries.

We also discuss the importance of community and how to get involved in building for Web3. As someone who is relatively new to this space, I found his insights and observations to be really valuable. If you're looking to get started in web3 building or just want to learn more about the industry, this is a great episode for you! Thanks

Guest: Alex Kunawicz

Host: Jesper Bram

Creators & Guests

Jesper Bram
Host of | Innovation Facilitator at Andel | Founder of Online Change Makers | Digital Futurist | Internet OG

What is Metaversecast?

(🇬🇧 English description below).

Er du nysgerrig på internettets fremtid? Vil du vide, hvad web3, blockchain og virtual reality har i vente?

Så er Metaversecast noget for dig! Denne podcast dykker dybt ned i kaninhullet, taler med interessante mennesker og udforsker fremtiden for digital iværksætteri indenfor gaming, blockchain, web3, virtual og augmented reality.

Uanset om du er en teknisk nørd eller bare er fascineret af fremtidens Internet, vil Metaversecast give dig en plads på første række når vi går full on tourist-mode på Web3. Så spænd hørebøfferne på, og tag med på rejsen!

🇬🇧 ENGLISH is for anyone who wants to know more about the future of web3, blockchain and virtual reality. Whether you're a tech geek or just fascinated by digital entrepreneurship in gaming and beyond, this podcast will give your imagination some serious roadmaps as we go full force into Web3 and the Metaverse!