Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata

In this episode of Attributed Steffen Hedebrandt is a guest on B2B Marketing: The Provocative Truth hosted by Benedict Buckland. 
They will uncover what B2B marketers really need to know about the buyer journey and data analysis.

It is often assumed that B2B marketers have a firm grasp on data and the buyer journey. However, the truth is that many marketers lack the precise tools and accurate analysis methods necessary to truly understand what is happening at any given moment in the buyer journey. To gain a clear picture of the buyer journey, marketers must invest time and resources into quantifying the entire process.

During the episode, Benedict and Steffen will explore the challenges marketers face in understanding the buyer journey and share valuable insights on how to overcome these obstacles. They will discuss the importance of utilizing precise tools and accurate analysis methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the buyer journey. By doing so, marketers can make informed decisions based on data and effectively guide prospects through the buying process.

For more episodes go to the B2B Marketing: The Provocative Truth:
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What is Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata?

Welcome to the Attributed Podcast by Dreamdata where every week we host inspiring guests from across the B2B go-to-market space. Together we explore the biggest challenges facing Marketing, Sales, and Ops teams and discuss innovative ways to optimise growth and fire up revenue.