שואלים ודורשים 30 יום: A daily study of Mishna for the Jewish holidays

שואלים ודורשים 30 יום: A daily study of Mishna for the Jewish holidays Trailer Bonus Episode 76 Season 1

Pesach: Change Your Glasses

Pesach: Change Your GlassesPesach: Change Your Glasses

In the passage in the Haggadah about the four sons, nearly all of the sons are defined by their intellect – the smart son, the simple-minded son, and the son who possesses the inability to ask. However, the rasha is the only one who isn't categorized by his level of intelligence, but rather by his personality. Why is this? This is to teach us that when people are negative, it defines who they are. They begin to view every aspect of their life with a pessimistic outlook. They are no longer seen as anything else except for a scornful, negative person. May we strive not to be like the rasha, and look at the world through rose-colored glasses and a positive mindset. Let who we really are truly shine!

What is שואלים ודורשים 30 יום: A daily study of Mishna for the Jewish holidays?

Based off of the Gemara in Pesachim (6b) which states: ‏‏30 יום קודם החג שואלים ודורשים בהלכות החג(thirty days prior to the holiday you should learn and teach the laws of the holiday), this podcast studies the mishnayos that speak about each of the holidays starting from 30 days before, so that by the time the holiday arrives, you are fully educated on all of the laws pertaining to it!

Here is the link to a WhatsApp group that sends out the podcasts everyday: