Love & Learn

✨ Join Jessica Flint and fellow warriors for a once in a lifetime luxury glamping experience over Halloween at the Radiant Warrior Retreat

Food was her enemy, something she was in battle with constantly. She was in a constant state of anxiety and hyper-vigilance.

Keshia's courageous journey from questioning the need for treatment to finding validation and empowerment serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. After going all in on her recovery this year, she is connecting to herself and others like never before. She's setting healthy boundaries and doing things she would have said "no" to in the past like joining the Radiant Warrior Retreat.


🌱 Self-Acceptance: Hear about the importance of breaking free from societal norms and embracing yourself exactly as you are. Keshia shares her experiences dealing with the fear of being taken seriously and the struggle to pursue dreams amid negative body image.

👚 Fashion Frustrations: From the challenges of finding suitable clothing sizes to the need for more representation, Keshia voices her frustrations and thoughts on advocating for change in the fashion industry.

🌟 Community Support: Discover why having a supportive network is crucial, especially when dealing with body image issues. Recovery is not a straight path—as Keshia says, its more like a pinball game—but every small victory is worth celebrating with others.

Radiant Warrior Retreat: Don’t miss out on Jessica's exciting announcement about the Radiant Warrior Retreat over Halloween at a luxury glamping spot near Austin, Texas. Join in to make meaningful connections and lasting memories with fellow warriors!




What is Love & Learn?

Love & Learn is a podcast dedicated to exploring best-selling books and distilling their wisdom into life-changing concepts that are easy to engage with, even if you don't have the time to read. Hosted by Jessica Flint, a leader in the field of personal growth and healing, this show is designed to help listeners live healthier, wealthier lives from the inside out.

With years of experience empowering millions through her innovative work at Recovery Warriors, Jessica now brings her passion for transformation to Love & Learn. Each episode dives into powerful ideas that inspire new ways of thinking, being, and believing in what’s possible when you release old patterns, shift your mindset, and step into your power.

Week by week, listeners are guided through practical steps to transform their habits, unlock more confidence, joy, and vitality, and flourish in both their personal and professional lives. Through a blend of solo reflections and insightful conversations with featured book authors and fellow book lovers, you’ll cultivate self-love and build the confidence needed to embody your most radiant, authentic self.

Love & Learn is more than a podcast; it’s a transformational community of lifelong learners committed to self-healing and personal growth. Tune in and join the journey toward a more empowered and fulfilled life.