Christendom College Lectures

George Weigel, author of Witness to Hope, the acclaimed biography on John Paul II takes a look at the character of Benedict XVI, some of the challenges he faces, and some personal thoughts on the principal themes of his pontificate.

Show Notes

On April 23 George Weigel, author of Witness to Hope, the acclaimed biography on John Paul II, delivered an address entitled “Pope Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic Church” to students at Christendom College.

The talk took a look at the character of Benedict XVI, some of the challenges he faces, and some personal thoughts on the principal themes of his pontificate.

“The rapid election of the closest intellectual associate of John Paul II, which Cardinal Ratzinger had been for more than 22 years, seemed to me to be a resounding affirmation of the Pontificate of John Paul the Great and his accomplishments,” Weigel, a Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, said. “The cardinals saw John Paul as a model of the Petrine office.”

“This also was a ringing endorsement of Cardinal Ratzinger,” he said. “Three times Ratzinger asked to resign and three times John Paul II said, ‘I can’t do this without you.’”

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At Christendom College, we believe education is more than gaining knowledge—it’s about pursuing true wisdom. As a Catholic liberal arts college, our mission is to guide students on the path to Christian wisdom, grounded in the love and contemplation of both natural and divinely revealed truth. This journey doesn’t happen in the classroom alone. Through vibrant campus life, community events, and spiritual opportunities, students are encouraged to cultivate the moral virtues and habits of Christian living. These virtues prepare them to properly order the material and spiritual goods of life, equipping them for a higher purpose. To enrich this formation, the college regularly hosts speakers who inspire and challenge our students to grow in mind, heart, and soul. We invite you to be part of this journey by joining us for these thought-provoking lectures. These talks provide a chance to engage with the ideas shaping our students and to explore how faith and reason together lead to truth. Come listen, learn, and grow with us.