サッカーと英語 // Football & English

VARとオフサイド判定について。なぜこれほどまでにサッカーファンに受け入れてもらえなかったのか? // VAR has changed offside — and many people think it’s become worse. Why are people complaining, and what are the solutions?

Show Notes

Since the introduction of VAR, teams have been left to lament what might have been if their striker's foot was one size smaller; if the ball had been played half a second sooner. Goals have been allowed and disallowed, sometimes seemingly at random, with referees in booths drawing lines on a screen, often taking minutes to come up with a decision.

The immediate joy of scoring a goal has been replaced by "let's wait for VAR..." It feels like the thrill of football has been removed, so how can we get it back? What is the solution to this offside mess?

VARが導入されて以来、サッカー関係者は嘆き続けています。もしストライカーの足がもう一回り小さかったら、もしくはボールがあと0.5秒早く出ていたらと。 ゴールが認められたり、取り消されたりと、、時にその判定は無作為のようにも見え、VARのブースにいる審判たちがスクリーンに線を引き、判定を下すのに数分かかることもあります。ゴールを決めた瞬間の喜びは、ひとまず"VAR判定を待とう "という言葉に変わりつつあります。ゴールが決まる瞬間のスリルがなくなってしまいましたが、どうしたらそれらを取り戻せるのでしょうか?このオフサイドの混乱を解決する方法とは?



Dispute, debate or contention - “that was a controversial decision.”

Automated is the verb; automatic the noun
Starting, operating, moving etc independently- “the car wash is automated.”

To choose; to make a decision - “The IOC will determine whether the Olympics will go ahead.”

What is サッカーと英語 // Football & English?

日本語と英語でサッカーの世界情報についての話を聴いて、英語が学べるポッドキャスト。 // A weekly podcast in Japanese & English, discussing the world of football.